Posts Tagged ‘the news’

Web Companies

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If You are interested in stopping working from 9 to 5 and instead of to travel in rush hours in omnibus stuffed she wants to take its destiny in its own hands, she must think about some work from its house. Filed under: MSCO. It only needs to use a little imagination to find a job that allows him to live decently without the necessity to depend on the check of its work from 9 to 5. By all means that any work from house that wants to begin is going to him to demand certain investment of risk, the important thing is to diminish the risk and of assuring that the business has continuity. In the market they exist a great variety of businesses from house; it is necessary to make sure that it is a legal business, not to fall in well-worn ” cadenas” that they know as they begin but not how nor when finish. At Vladislav Doronin you will find additional information. Several companies exist that pay to make surveys, but in these there is nothing no creative and surely after certain time they get to bore, they can remove although it from some financial complication. The new tendency in Internet is to work like affiliate of some great company, evolving like promoter for great companies that work with Internet. business consists of ” promocionar” services and/or merchandise of established companies that have show window in Internet. With one minimsima investment and a Web site, from the comfort of his house, with a computer not too sophisticated and connection to Internet, you can begin his own business part-time, without leaving his work full-time, until she acquires experience, practices and an entrance moderately respectable, until the moment arrives that you can dismiss his head and to dedicate itself full-time to ” his negocio”.

This is a situation where all win, since the company does not need to invest part of its resources in propaganda and prefers to pay to him to you by realised sale or lists of possible clients who you him can provide with his Web site. You need the capital necessary to buy neither to have merchandise nor infrastructure to give services to the possible internauts, and receives his money of the commissions that these companies are going to pay to him. The amount of companies interested in sponsoring to its affiliates is enormous and include a great variety of headings, from companies of trips and tourism, hotels, great wholesalers, importers, companies of sports, until manufacturers of clothes, etc. There are also several companies that him can provide pre-done Web sites, but best and the most complete one is the one than it will find in my Web site, I number one at the moment..

National Road Infrastructure

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To the 2.121.000 registered vehicles of motor in the Main directorate of Internal Taxes of the Dominican Republic of the 31 of December of 2007, it would be necessary to add 112.030 of the first six months of the 2008, being ascended then ones to to total of 1.233.030 vehicles. Which does not mean that this it is really the size of the field to carry ours, since many uncertainties as far as the number of motorcycles exist, presumably greater in more of a 20%. Of the total volume of vehicles registered near 45% it is of motorcycles. Becoming a population sector anxiously looked for political proselytism, without taking into account that represents a pump of traveling time by the weaknesses in the regulations that prevail in the Dominican Republic. With a population of 9.34 million inhabitants, US$85.4 billions of dollars of gross internal product in this last year; a road network of approximately 18.000 kilometers; indicators of sinisterness in the routes of Dominican Republic calculate to which there is that to put attention particular: a rate of social motorization of around 4 at the moment, whereas the rate of mortality by each 100.000 inhabitants in traffic accidents this near the 16.

Evident institutional weaknesses of the sector transit and transport, besides relative interindependence; with a law of terrestrial transit in obsolescence; the incomplete process of obtaining of licenses to lead, in spite of the great advances in some points of the system, as it is the case of the elaboration of this document. A deep work in the emission of the certificate and permission of circulation by means of a concession of the technical revision is required to carry; demanding itself also, a critical revision of the regulations of the schools of conductors. They are some of the characteristics that the sector in our country presents/displays. The Dominican society as soon as possible requires of a reordering of the transit and the transport that fence of the hand with Integral a National Plan of Road Security and also of the Plan of Development and Investments of the National Road Infrastructure..

Hotel Great Savannah

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The Hotel Great Savannah is the unique option of luxury. Located in an enormous land, in the route to the border with Brazil, it offers rooms with conditioned air, restaurant, swimming pool, bath deprived with hot water, satelite television and access to Internet. In center of the city numerous commerce can be found where to acquire consumptions to encamp in the national park, from tinned or fresh foods, to spare parts for habitual equipment of acampaje. Charges of portable kitchens to gas, batteries, etc., are easy to obtain. The city has two gas stations.

To the entrance of the town, of the side of the Great Savannah, it is in favor the station on watch PDV that offers automotive gasoline, some spare parts, oils and fluids and expendio basic of foods. Given the low price of the gasoline in Venezuela, and to avoid the contraband possibility towards Brazil, another station on watch but to prices fit to the international market exists more. The vehicles with plates (licenses) of Brazil or other countries, cannot refuel gasoline if not in the station that offers the international prices Are possible to indicate that now that I am called on myself to visit it, there was gasoline shortage and it hit the enormous one to me of tail of automobiles awaiting acquiring the product, and more when Venezuela is immensely rich in that product. It is possible to be acquired more by sales of gallons but to a lifted price. Sometimes according to the commentary of the people they spend many hours to be supplied. They comment that the provision that comes from the city of the Tiger takes much. The Cathedral of Santa Elena is one of attractive the main ones of the city, was constructed in the middle of century XX with the stones that as much abound in the neighborhood of the population.

Mines Production

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Before they were appointed to the human consumption. Now they are used also to feed machines and vehicles. The price of petroleum increases the one of foods simply because if the value of the fuel of merchandise exceeds its value like food, one will become agrocombustible. Very valid the restlessness indicated by Betto before the question Who is going to invest in the sugar production if with the same cane more gain is obtained generating ethanol? It is obvious, the sugar will not disappear of the shelves of the supermarket. But it will be offered like luxury article in order to compensate the investments of that stopped producing agrocombustible.

One is not to put themselves against the ethanol, but to put themselves in favor of the food production, so that they are accessible to the monthly average rent of the Brazilian current, that gains US$ 300. In addition, nobody knows the enslaved or semienslaved work that predominates in the channels of Brazil, according to one recent denunciation of Amnesty International. He is urgent that the National Congress approves FISH 438/2001 against the enslaved work. Unfortunately, Planalto finishes publishing the Provisional Measurement that does not even force the fulfillment of inscription of the worker after the three months of contracted. How many possible workers are not going to be the condemned to the regime perpetual – and legal of labor trimonthly instalment and without labor rights? He is more indicates Betto, the fact, that tmese in account some companies of ethanol production force their workers to gather up to 15 tons of cane to the day and they pay to them not by the worked hours but by the picked up amount. According to specialists, such effort causes serious problems of column, cramps, tendinitis and diseases in the respiratory tract due to the soot of the cane, deformations in the feet by the use of heavy shoes and damages in the buccal cords to have the neck twisted during the work.

In the harvest the workers are soaked of sweat due to the high temperatures and the excessive effort. In order to cut one ton of cane it is necessary to give thousand machete blows. The wages paid by production are insufficient to guarantee feeding to them adapted, then, besides the expenses of rent and transport from their places of origin to the interior of Sao Paulo and Mines, sends part than they gain his families. The present method of operating reduces the time of life utility of the cutters to about 12 years. The world-wide crisis is product of the pretension of the neoliberal globalisation to use maize, rice, soya and foods, to produce fuel. He is one of the factors that the nourishing crisis has worsened, explained Venezuelan Head of State during an interview conducted by chain RTP1 of Portugal, in the program Conversas de Mario Soares, a series of interviews realised to political leaders worldwide. Original author and source of the article.

National Geographic

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Their neighbors historically have followed the Bolivians, without a doubt unconsciously, since Bolivia is not the best example to imitate, but he serves as parameter to predict what will happen in the rest of the continent. To govern with the coffers full of money is easy. Evo Morales not only had the filled coffers thanks to the fact that the prices of the raw materials are high, but when nationalizing the productive companies of the country and releasing to the cocaine traffic the money exceeded. The unique thing that never needed to Morals is money. They filled the coat to him from Venezuela to celebrate its poles with thousands of ” voluntarios” paid.

Once consecrated like patotero number one, Hugo Chavez gave more money him to campaign its presidential interpreting to ” humble farmer aimara” , that effectively was sold to the international press clearing the first fruit to him to National Geographic. All the comic strip created on the figure of Evo Morals little by little are beginning to be diluted and are because luckyly the lies cannot stay effective per indefinite time, otherwise would not exist justice. Nevertheless, being Bolivia country where justice is what less it works, Evo continues lasting. At Its Excellence that said to govern it is easy, that the difficult moment is only necessary to solve the day to day, arrived to him. It is easy when they give the money to you, you rob companies or you deal drugs. But it stops being it when there are no bottoms and you do not have idea of how wealth is generated decently. The increase of fuels in its real price, was the unique measurement coherent and responsible for the government, but obvious it generated rejection popular to do it of blow.


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The majority of Peruvian majors of 40 looks for to have a little affair that way with a quinceaera, with a girl of 17, because it makes them rejuvenecer, according to them. The majority of the interviewed people says that sex with a girl of 14 years revitalizes, them, makes feel male, manly. But they do not take into account the pain that causes in their families, in the sacrificed wife, good mother, that I accompany lengths years, raising its children, taking care of its homes, and giving to them better years of its youth. It is as well as the majority of these horsemen of 40, professionals, technicians, employees public, hides part of their pay, to be able to have an appointment with chibolas secretly (quinceaeras). In Lima the quinceaeras know and are conscientious that they bring about the great desire, passion, in the men majors, that die to own them.

But the experienced ones, those that come from homes where the parents live fighting, enemistados, where there are deficiencies of all class, where they are struck and thrown to the streets to sell caramels, are the girls but prone to fall in the underworld of street prostitution. Maleantes does not lack that they act of " cafichos" and organizes that them and they offer protection them they do so that it, without risks of being attacked by some crazy person. Thus, red zones have arisen in the majority of the districts of Lima, pink zones, where the meretricio is exerted of quite asolapada way. In Lima the Boulevar of San Juan de Miraflores, the Boulevar the Altarpiece in Commas, the Shred Caylloma, the University Avenue to the doors of the University the Catholic, estan full of brothels, but known like " Points" , where children of 15.16.17 years seated in a table take " gaseosita" while they hope " cliente".

Wisconsin Activity

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The state emotional is modifiable with the suitable training so that the people can move away to the thoughts and feelings that lead to them to the sadness and distresses, and replace them by that they lead to them to the well-being. By means of techniques of tomography of emission of positrons or magnetic resonance, it has been possible to verify that certain types of negative emotions like: anxiety, rage or depression, generate major cerebral activity in the right prefrontal crust, whereas the positive emotions like joy or satisfaction, generates more activity in the left prefrontal crust. Apparently the natural tendency of the people is to be gladder than sad, because a genetic predisposition as learned to the activation of those areas of the brain exists as much responsible for the positive emotions. By means of the indicated techniques professor Richard Davidson, director of for Laboratory Affective Neuroscience of the University of Wisconsin, verified in licks tibetano, that the part of its brain responsible for happiness showed the greater activity never obtained in a human being. ialist. Considering the meditation Buddhist, as the base of the change, Davidson trained to a group of people submissive situations of stress in the knowledge and practice of the Buddhist meditation during three hours per week throughout two months. The objective era to measure the cerebral impact of this tibetana practice and to discover if the brain of licks that it had made the discovery previous, was an exception of the nature or the result of its effort and perseverancia in the meditation. The results kept awake a sensible displacement towards the happiness feelings as well as an unexpected fortification of the immunological system of the people who had known and applied the techniques Buddhist meditation. Original author and source of the article..


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The intensity of a friendship is not moderate by the time that does not go with the friend, either the intensity and quality of the service of the volunteer is moderate by the amount of inverted hours throughout the week. To spend more time in a service, mainly when this one begins, supposes a risk of saturation when not being able to fit the voluntary military service between the habitual occupations. It is more important to establish realistic commitments that they allow the total dedication of the volunteer during its hours on watch. Sometimes, there are members of our family or our surroundings who is not in agreement with our work, or simply she is to them indifferent. Upon these cases, it agrees not to take the questions from the voluntary military service to these surroundings and to canalize the relation volunteer-user through the organization, without giving personal data. If the volunteer gave to his telephone or its direction or took to the beneficiary from his service to his house he could suppose certain risks. Mainly, one risks to prolong the problems until its address. Almost always, the people who are taken care of in services of voluntary military service have serious affective deficiencies that can upset in the volunteer.

This way he is frequent, for example, that people majors taken care of by services of aid at home call to the volunteer for everything. Sometimes, even, it will request collaborations as it excuses to speak awhile with somebody. All this can mean the saturation of the volunteer. In order to guarantee the effectiveness of the service, the volunteer must see the problems with perspective and knowledge that he is one more a piece in a process of reintegration or the resolution of a problem. Some volunteers confuse the urgent thing with the important thing when they think that a work of social reintegration must become of immediate way, when he is better to slowly lead it to end and of solid way, seating a phase before initiating the following one. A person without home that has been fifteen years in the street cannot happen overnight to live a situation on complete normality. The intense implication to secure short term results can lead to the deception of the volunteer or the abortion of firmer results although to more long term.

Write A Web Course

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This one is the main part of the process. This one is the step where you begin to write the content for his course. Using the objectives that you defined in the stage of analysis, you will focus his content to solve those objectives. When writing the content, always pregntese " that objective the student with in this block of the content is obtaining? " Its process of design begins becoming these questions: In view of my objectives, Which is the best way to organize my content? I must include activities and exercises? How is due to present/display the content to the students? How I will know if the student has learned what I have taught to them? Which is the best format to give my course. The answer to these questions will help to select him like must go their educational pages, the disposition of graphs and texts, navigation through content, the cronogram of activities that you will do and how she will evaluate or try if the students learned with the content of the course.

It solves which is better format to give the first edition of its course. It considers which will be the format that will work as well as possible for its course. The best ones educational options include ebooks with texts and graphs or an area deprived within their Web site where their students will find the tutorials in audio or video. Any option that you choose you will have certain effect in the design and its design can have effect in the delivery of the course. You will need to close by examine the relation between the design and the delivery of the course for his subject in particular. For example, a design course Web for nascent can appear with a format in line established. The examples in format HTML and the theory can be provided in a text format.


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And it is happened to us, that this new time, finds with majors capacities and aptitudes us, of which some cenacles suppose. And it is from that platform acquired by the contest of individuals and successive governments, who we can continue evolving and adaptandonos to the new circumstances. If something not to finish to us surprising, in our permanent reading of the Argentine questions, is as much the qualification of the human capital, like the documentary potential that credits the intellectual efforts realised by the successive Argentine generations. Also it draws powerfully attention to us, as that documentary potential is not profiteer in all its possibilities. That documentary potential to that I allude, consists in libraries you publish, private and other centers of documentation.

Although it seems perogrullesco, to accede to that potential one it is only necessary to know how to read and to have desire to make it. That documentary potential, to which already for a long time we have been denominating " Argentina potencial" , this to our disposition, if we are something persistent, because it must be clear that an integral systemisation of the same does not exist, without damage, of sempiter to us partial, individual and isolated attempts. And when indicating this characteristic, we are insinuating a course of action that from some instance deberia to trigger itself, something thus like the beginning of a work scheme, to identify Argentine documentary potential, and to create the conditions for its easy access on the part of the interested ones. In the words this is simple to formulate, but in the land I practice supposes a ciclopeo effort. Clear that while arrives the integral answers, to us it is gone away the life, that small time interval that the human beings we must to unfold the potential insito in each of us. Then, it turns out suggestive to begin to consider the possibilities attend that us each of us, anyone is the place in which we are, the age that we have, sex, the physical capacities and the level of income, to lift our culture, and to acquire and/or to renew our baggage of knowledge in sequence to apply them to solve our concrete needs.

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