Spanish Multisectorial Association

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They also collaborated on companies like Internalia, ANEI, Fundetec and ARS sessions, to discuss the possibility of not to acquire applications and pay only for what is used, with the consequent cost saving for the company. The new Web and Econred, also intervened to encourage participation in the networked society and the great business opportunity posed by this activity to micro-enterprises in attendees. Google approached, as it could not be less, to the day, and in one of the most fresh interventions and with greater involvement of the seating capacity, resolved questions and inquiries of all types to attendees, offering a significant discount for all there present could test them the effectiveness of actions on this search engine. Finally, attended by 2 companies associated to AEMME which by its success and the use of new technologies are a clear example that it can also grow in these difficult times. Markarte, marketing and communication company with his presentation is the time for des-MARKARTE with ICT s told us that not only use technology to its management and internal development, but that they are an indispensable support for other companies begin to use them from the hand of experts from confidence at an affordable price. And as shows they offered also an online service to attendees so that they start to verify for themselves the advantages of being in the network at a very affordable price. Another participating microenterprises was BioBike, company that sells electronic bicycles and that with their showcase on the internet 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, get a traffic of visitors in your area about 800 a month remaining on your webpage for more than 5 minutes, somewhat unfeasible at the classroom level.

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