They disembark with 11 tons of luggage, blankets of for the one of camel and bed clothes, they were some of the many things that they had not opened hand. Joseph Greiner, marine, enterprising young, the integrant room of the group member of an expedition, with the function of master-baggage compartment, foreman and person in charge of the provisionses. Of Par they follow route to the north. In Germany, having an important social status ahead of research justinian codes and museums of natural history Kampfhenkel obtained the support of the Institute Emilio Goeldi (Belm-Par) and of the National Museum (Rio De Janeiro). To go up the river Jar, was the next question, would search, however, the support of the Brazilian Armed Forces, in 1935 it was divided enters the pretense national interests with Germany and U.S.A. In Belm, the governor Jose Sheep of Malcher Gamma and general Manuel de Cerqueira Daltro Son had received with enthusiasm the visit. The estuary of the River Jar enters, in Amazon, and its flaring Waterfall of Saint Antonio, has a wooden cross, measuring three meters of height for two meters of width, that has some years is explored as tourist attraction in the Amap. Underneath of it the teuto-Brazilian lies Joseph Greiner, buried in January of 1936, vitimado there for the forest.
Made sacrrio, today the cross is protected by a roof and headed by the notch of a sustica – the gamada cross of origins going-tibetanas, popularized as icon arsonist of nazism. Improvised tablet, the necrolgio de a Cruz explains: ' ' Joseph Greiner died here in 2/1/36, the service of the research German, vitimado for the fever – German Expedition of the Jary, 1935-1937' '. (FLLGRAF, 2009). The visitors had repaid the reception with a test of the hydroplane ' ' Marinha' eagle; ' model ' ' Seekadett' '. The analysis of the topography of the basin of the Jar until its headboards, an unknown mapping, considered by the gegrafo Kampfhenkel, was what it caused a probable expectation to get profits with the expedition.
A type of User is the external intern and; the first one it uses the unit as complement of its institucional functions. As it must be thought from the expansion and diversification of the users of information centers about the postwar period. Another type of user is the indirect Right-hander and? how much to the use of the information in the proper place where use in other instances works or, where it has the multiplication of the information. How much to the researcher character, it has the professional Investigator (intellectual demand, tradition up to 1950), aficionado investigator (genealogy, local history), students (not only the college student), common citizen. Another type is the institucional User whom if it relates to the administrative Managers, technician of the administration, engineers, etc. these considers the unit of information as decurrent of an activity. The new tipologia of user is ' ' Citizen comum' '. It appears from the consolidation of the right to the information and the transparency of public administrations on the other hand.
On the other hand, it appears of the activities of diffusion and cultural spreading promoted by the information center. This generally they do not know the information centers, its functioning, instruments of research, book handling and consultation and documents, consider the units of information as an extension of the administrative office. (GARDEN, 2001, P. 6) the described theory for Baptist (2007, P. 174) says that Kuhlthau author (1999) affirms that the people who search information use many sources of information in diverse phases of the search and, this process generates uncertainty for the user at distinct moments of its search. Its model for comment of the process of the search of the information foresees the following stages: beginning, election, exploration and formularization. The author Coast (2009) searchs to unmask who is the users of the information by means of its real necessities and as if they give to its searches and uses of the information.
The organization emphasizes that the finery will become two days due to the good acceptance of this edition appointment previous. In the same space will be developed to the spectacle Desire days 25 and 26, the last aim of week of Circada. The assembly of Malagan Jose Martin and Susana Dito, of Circoz, narrates a nostalgic encounter between two old artists, and mixes equilibrismo with juggling and acrobatics. The entrances for all these events can be bought in the ticket offices, by Internet or by means of telephone reserve. The price of each work varies between the 12 Euros of Plecs and the 9 of the finery or Desire, but the children pay less and is possibility of buying them to reduced price. Spectacles outdoors and courses the programming of the festival is completed with activities in the street, abiertas to all the public. This year will have around 40 functions, in which to fifteen companies and artists will participate.
The scenes will be, among others, the old tobacco factory, the New Place or the Tree-lined avenue of Hercules. Next to these activities, the Circada offers five courses with different contents, all of them related to circus disciplines. Three of them will touch to the artistic parcel and the rest the technique. The artist Adrin Schvarsztein will distribute the one of Creation and Direction, the Teatrera Industry will repeat the course of Clown of the past edition, and mimo Javier Garci’a will offer the factory of Corporal Expression and Tools for the Acrobatics Base. All of them will be gratuitous and have 30 hours school. The technical factories will be of Fotografa and Circo, distributed by Luis Castile, and monographic on the Security in Height of the expert in vertical dance David Gutirrez.