The White Side Of Racism
The WHITE SIDE OF RACISM For GOD who generated all its children of Its Divine Essence; it does not have black color, nor white, nor red and nor yellow. All have in itself Its perpetual valorosos and dons. the Verb if made meat and inhabited between us, full of favour and truth, and saw its glory, glory as of the Unignito of the Father. Evangelho de JESUS according to Joo, CAP. 1:14.
' ' We are not what we would like to be. We are not what still we will go to be. But, thanks to God, we are not plus who ramos' '. Martin Luther King Prize Nobel of the Peace in 1964. The FREEDOM IS NOT IN the COLOR is not the color of the skin that becomes the enslaved person; it is its Perpetual Spirit that not yet discovered that he is gentleman of its internal and external destination. In the following day, the JESUS saw Joo, who came to it, and said: Here it is the Lamb of GOD, who takes off the sins of the world. Evangelho de JESUS according to Joo, CAP.
1:29. ' ' The mind that if never opens to a new idea will come back to its size original' '. Albert Einstein Physicist Jew-German Prize Nobel de Fsica in 1921. RICH AND ENSLAVED WHITE the person of white color enters in a modern car and the slavery goes with it. It dresses the best clothes and she continues enslaved. Deferred payment in one palacete surrounded by all the sides and the spirit of slavery is with it, therefore she is enslaved of the worse ignorance: It does not know why it was born, why it lives, why if it feels sad, why one is glad only for a few seconds and why one day will have to leave in the cemetary its body and other hands all its richness. ' ' What valley is not how much it lives but as if it lives ' '. Martin Luther King Leader North American Black Pacifist. He formed himself in theology for the Theological Seminary Crozer and, in 1955, he concluded the doutorado one in Philosophy for the University of Boston. SIDE ESCCURO OF the SLAVERY the person of black color finds that the culprit of its slavery is the white person: It confuses its ascension in the things simplest. It will be that it is this? It is not! The slavery is not, is inside of each Human being waiting to be been successful. 31 Disse, therefore, Jesus to the Jews who had believed In it: If it to remain in my word, are truily my Disciples; 32 and you will know the Truth, and he will free you to the Truth. Evangelho de JESUS according to Joo, CAP. 8:31 and 32. All the people have the same rights and duties: The conquest of the True Freedom, therefore the unfamiliarity of same GODS and itself leaves them full of frustration. ' ' We only engrandecemos our right to the life fulfilling our duty of citizens of mundo' '. Mahatma Liberating Gandhi of India.